An Institute of Isha Shiksha Foundation

Home Like Environment,
Highly Qualified Teachers

Learning with Joy. Growing with Love.

Discover • Grow • Shine

At our school, we nurture curious minds and kind hearts, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Through creativity, exploration, and care, we empower every child to grow, dream, and thrive in a world of endless possibilities.

A Place to
Grow  Discover Shine

Why Choose Us

What Make Us Different?

At Gurukulam We Assure a Great Environment for Children to Begin their Learning Journey. We Assure to Provide a Great Environment to Grow with Equal Amount of Fun Activities, Comfort and Education, While Making Sure that No Student of Ours is Being Left Behind.

Notice Board

Season’s Greetings!

We are delighted to announce that our school will hold a Christmas Celebration on Tuesday, 24th December 2024. The event will include festive performances, games, and refreshments to spread the joy of the season. Students are encouraged to wear festive attire and bring their holiday spirit along!

Following the celebration, the school will remain closed on Wednesday, 25th December 2024, in observance of Christmas Day. Classes will resume as scheduled from Thursday, 26th December 2024.

Current Timings

08:00 AM
01:00 PM
5 Hours
Class I - V
09:00 AM
12:00 PM
4 Hours
Office Hours
07:00 AM
03:00 PM
8 Hours


What We Do

Learn Based Programs - Individual Sessions

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Why Choose Us

What Make Us Different?

Great Environment for Children to Begin their Learning Journey.
We Assure to Provide a Great Environment to Grow with Equal Amount of Fun Activities, Comfort and Education, While Making Sure that No Student of Ours is Being Left Behind.

What We Provide

Don't Hesitate to Ask
Discover Kids Connect

Homework Plans

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Physical Fitness Fun

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Outdoor Discovery

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Sensory Play Sessions

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Social Skills Development

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Music and Movemen

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Why Choose Us

What Make Us Different from Others

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Working hours

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Celebrating Preschool Achievements

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Preschool Picasso Showcase

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Tales and Tidbits

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Explorers Day: Reach for the Stars

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(910) 658-2992

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